Lights, Camra, Show time!!!

Hey lilyf123456 here and I am doing a show!!!Comedy It is called whatever It will be a monthly show but first we need casting parts. Comment, with your username, and tell me what part you want here are the parts:
Taylor Swift-lilyf123456
Gummy Bear-nt
NBA player-nt
Candy Man-nt

Taylor Swift:
-takes mic, sings I knew you were trouble-
Gummy Bear:
Comes in during taylor swifts preformance and sings his gummy bear song
Taylor Swift:
Yep, I knew YOU were trouble! -pushes gummy bear outside-
-After talylors song ends-
Gummy Bear:
-busts in door and starts singing his song-
**Next Day at the theater**
NBA player:
-playing with football-
Gummy Bear:
I like football!
NBA player:
Huh? I'm playing basketball!
Gummy Bear:
Oh -starts singing his song again-
Taylor Swift:
-comes on stage- Woah woah woah that's not the kind of song people wanna hear! -sings we are never getting back together-
**Next day on the street**
-stops walking-
Are you here to donate money?
No I am here to touter you!
Oh, well my brain... NEEDS IT!!
Whats 2+2?
This might take a while..
Candy man:
-walks in gives hobo candy- 
Yum Chocolate! -eats chocolate and gets smarter-
Candy Man: 
-gives nerd nerds-
Hobo gets smarter than nerd. Nerd gets dummer than anyone.
Candy Man;
Oops I didn't mean to do that! I just was offering candy!
The end
Please have free chat if you want a part!!!        

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