Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I have a contest and the contest is best animal jam poem like what you love about animal jam.
Example: Roses are red violets are blue animal jam rocks and the jammers too!
Oh yeah i almost forgot prizes.
1st place:Rare bat glasses
2nd place:your pick of red,white,or black round glasses
3rd place:A red mat
Coment your poem below thanks,

New contest Find it prize mystery prize you may pass it is supose to be hard hint no underwater pics some are in stores.Pic five is the biggest pic probaly the easiest
Sorry if this is too hard just try your hardest!Sorry  i just noticed how hard this is if you need hints on some comment.
Enter to my email:
please comment contest 1 send contest 2 you may comment or send contest 3 
Contest #3
 Essay contest write about either owls dogs or rabbits. Use true facts use links to pictures for extra points here are the prizes.


  1. Animal Jam
    Animal Jam is a ton of fun, it brings miles of smiles, you can play in the arcade and make a trade, you can change the colour of you hairs and collect some rares, you can play claw like it's the law, and best of all, you can meet a new friend once this poem comes to an end.
    - soccerdog100

  2. Oh my gosh that is brilliant!!!!!!!

  3. no prob I only say whats true

  4. Animal Jam was created
    A long, long time ago,
    but that doesn't mean
    the Crystal Sand sea
    can continue its usual flow.

    It matters that we learn,
    in which school makes us smart.
    It doesn't matter how rich you are,
    Gloves and Betas
    don't get you far.

    Everyone has a purpose
    The bad ones don't count like scamming.
    So please make sure
    you're always secure
    and start the learning and jamming!


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Great job Nafaria9

  5. Nafaria9 and pupp1266 you guys did such a great job but we don't have all enterers yet so when we do I will be setting up a poll and good luck

  6. made for my guy: jamboy8912

    roses are red
    lilacs are blue
    animal jam is cool
    and so are you!


  7. The discovery of Jamaa Township

    The lone animals gather, hungry and tired
    They need a place to be happy, to be hired
    Animals sleep on the rock of Coral Canyons,
    But one bunny says," I am not sleeping! I will go find our homeland.
    And so he traveled, all through the night
    Until he found a homely place, bathed in moonlight
    Deep in his heart, he knew he had found
    The heart of Animal Jam, Jamaa Town.

    By airlec13

  8. Contest #1: best animal jam poem
    Rose bushes are red,
    and rare rhino helmets are blue,
    animal jam is awesome,
    and it grew!
